In this exclusive presentation, internationally-renowned scientist and author Dr. Floyd H. Chilton exposes the driving force behind a host of seemingly disparate diseases, such as arthritis, heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, eczema, lupus, Alzheimer's, and emphysema: unbridled inflammation.
Backed by over 30 years of research, and hundreds of clinical studies in his lab and many other's, Dr. Chilton's anti-inflammatory recommendations have driven change throughout the United States and abroad. His individualized and population-based research approaches provide solutions to overcome physical and emotional suffering so that we can live better, more joyful and resilient lives. Offering a scientifically-proven approach with focus on both the mental and physical aspects of health and wellness, he will share the proof behind these approaches that are within our reach.
Dr. Chilton will also delve into his research behind 'The Rewired Brain', which displays a framework for understanding our brains and the decisions we make, showing how certain fears and instincts drive unhealthy emotional dysfunctions and related behavioral patterns in the most important areas of life.
Dr. Chilton is passionate about providing solutions to overcome physical and emotional suffering. He is a successful innovator in a wide range of areas including as an academic professor with over 140 scientific publications, an entrepreneur and an inventor holding over 25 patents. He has over 30 years of continuous funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Specifically, Dr. Chilton’s work examines how genetic and epigenetic variations interact with human diets to drive inflammation and inflammatory disorders, as well as psychiatric and developmental disorders. These precision-, individualized- and population-based research approaches provide a wide range of opportunities to benefit our population.
In addition to his research, Dr. Chilton has also had the opportunity to touch hundreds of thousands of lives as an author of five lay books focused on nutrition, diet, and physical and mental health. These books include Inflammation Nation (Simon and Schuster), Win the War Within (Rodale), The Gene Smart Diet (Rodale) and Made to Crave Action Plan (Zondervan). His most recent book, The Rewired Brain addresses the issue of the unconscious mind, its capacity to negatively impact our lives, and how thought patterns induce genetic changes that alter brain circuitry.
A book-signing with Dr. Chilton will follow this special presentation. His books Inflammation Nation and The Rewired Brain will be available for purchase prior to, and after the lecture. Dr. Chilton will greet participants and sign books after the lecture concludes.
Banner - University Medical Center Tucson
DuVal Auditorium
1501 N. Campbell Ave
Tucson, AZ 85724