Please RSVP here:
10:00-10:45AM - Gabriel Sarah, MD. UCSF Distinguished Keynote Speaker, "Supportive Environment For Those Providing Care.” – HSIB Forum
11:00AM-12:00PM - Breakout Sessions
- Cammy Bellis, MEd, College of Medicine-Phoenix, “Custody Challenges Experiences by Affirming Mothers of Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Children” , Drachman A118
- Amy D’Arpino, Arizona Complete Health, “LGBTQ+ Youth Panel; Experiences & How You May Be Supportive” , Drachman A114
- Nicholas Wilson (Diné), University of Arizona Native American Student Affairs, "Re-Membering Indigenous Two-Spirits", Drachman A119
- Lavina Tomer, Southern Arizona Senior Pride, “Isolations and Loneliness of LGBTQ+ Older Adults”, TBD
- Jennifer Flynn, MD, Patrick Powers-Lake, MBA, Maggie Schaeffer, MSW, Southern Arizona VA Health Care System, “Serving Our LGBTQ+ Veterans”, Drachman A116
12:15-2:15PM- Food Trucks/ Lunch on your own, Community Health Fair & Entertainment
2:30-3:30PM- Breakout Sessions
- Cammy Bellis, MEd, College of Medicine-Phoenix, “Custody Challenges Experiences by Affirming Mothers of Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Children”, Drachman A118
- Amy D’Arpino, Arizona Complete Health, “LGBTQ+ Youth Panel; Experiences & How You May Be Supportive”, Drachman A114
- Nicholas Wilson (Diné) University of Arizona Native American Student Affairs, "Re-Membering Indigenous Two-Spirits", Drachman A119
- Tylar Zinn, Rainbow Connection Self Defense, “Self-Defense Demonstration”, South of R. Ken Coit Student Services Office Outside Grass Area
- Jason Rivera & Ken Walker, Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation, “Best Practices in LGBTQ+ Health Care”, Drachman A116
3:45-4:00PM- Closing/RAFFLE Prizes (HSIB Forum)
Raffle Prizes include $25 certificate to Beyond Bread, $100 certificate to Cielos Restaurant and other prizes fromTall Boys, Bookmans and HiFaluin!
You have to be present to win raffle prizes.
Free to all UArizona & Tucson Community! Feel Free to attend any or all sessions. Free morning/afternoon refreshments and all day coffee from Rad Dad Coffee!
FREE Make up Tutorials! Self Defense Demo FREE 5-min Chair Massages!
Distinguished Keynote Speaker:
Gabriel Sarah, MD | Pediatric Anesthesiologist, University of California San Francisco (UCSF)
Gabriel Sarah, MD, is an Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care at the University of California San Francisco. As an educator, Dr. Sarah serves in many roles. Within undergraduate medical education, he serves as a Bridges Coach and as a Bridges Curriculum Topic Curator where he develops and guides the development of curriculum. He has special interest in curriculum related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, including curriculum focused on race, gender, and LGBTQ+ health. In graduate medical education, Dr. Sarah is the Associate Residency Program Director for Guidance and Development for the Anesthesia Residency Program at UCSF. He has specific interest in mentorship and sponsorship, professionalism and professional development for residents, and diversity in residency. Dr. Sarah attends clinically mainly as a pediatric anesthesiologist at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. He also provides pain management services to children. On occasion, you can find him in an operating room at Mt. Zion Hospital.
2020 Participating Community Health Fair Organizations:
- Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF)
- LGBTQ Chamber of Commerence
- Tucson LGBTQ Foundation
- Southern Arizona Gender Alliance (SAGA)
- Southern Arizona Senior Pride
- All of Us Arizona Research Program
- University of Arizona Campus Health
- University of Arizona College of Nursing
- University of Arizona College of Public Health
- University Medical Center Tucson-Banner
- Rainbow Connection Self Defense
- Walk in Beauty Massage
- Humane Society of Southern Arizona
- Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health
- Southern Arizona Veteran Affairs
- Rachel Cox
- Palo Verde Behavioral Health
- Colby Olsen Foundation
- Journey of Gender
- Stonewall National Museum and Archives
- Pima County Health Department
- Stonewall Foundation
- IGNITE your Status
- Ashline Tucson Group
- Miracles Life Care
- Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network
- Family Housing Resources
- Community Food Bank
- Arizona's Children Association
- Institute for LGBT Studies
- Banner Alzheimer's Institute Tucson
- Sigma Lambda Beta Fraternity INC, Kappa Alpha Chapter
- Banner University Medical Group-Tucson
If you are interested in sponsoring any of our events and learning more about our UAHS LGBTQ+ Interest Group, or would like to receive more information about our events, please email Lydia Kennedy at
Any donation over the amount of $50 will recieve a one of a kind LGBTQ+ Interest Group Rainbow Wildcat T-Shirt!!
To request any disability-related accommodations for this event please contact the event coordinator at least three business days prior to the event.
University of Arizona Health Sciences Campus
Drachman Hall Walkway of Wellness (Outside) & HSIB Forum
1305 N. Martin Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719