Two Family Medicine Residency Options for Medical School Graduates

The Department of Family and Community Medicine has been providing excellence in resident training for more than 40 years. We are proud to introduce you to three of our third-year residents who are completing their residency programs.

The Department of Family and Community Medicine offers two residency programs to medical school graduates who want to pursue careers in family medicine. The original family medicine residency program started in 1971 and turned out its first two graduates in 1974. In July 2010, the department launched its second residency program, with special emphasis on caring for rural and underserved populations. Each residency program accepts up to eight new physicians each year. We are proud to introduce you to three of our third-year residents who are completing their residency programs​.

Myles Stone, MD-MPH, Medical School: UA College of Medicine – Tucson

"I’m spending six weeks in central Viet Nam, putting my training into practice. I’m working with a local physician to better quantify the non-communicable disease burden in the region. Our next steps will be to work with the ministry of health to build up the primary care system to better handle the shifting health needs from acute and infectious problems to chronic and non-communicable problems. I feel both fortunate and well-prepared for the opportunity, because of the rural health training I had with my South Campus residency.
After returning to the UA to complete residency, I’ll be working as a physician at the Whiteriver Indian Health Service hospital in Arizona.  My responsibilities will include outpatient, inpatient, emergency, and obstetrical care. The breadth of experience I received during my time as a resident has certainly helped me feel prepared for this truly full-spectrum position."

Androuw Carrasco, MD, Medical School: Michigan State University

“I grew up in Tucson, went to medical school at Michigan State, and then came back here for residency. One thing that attracted me to this program was the people I met when I interviewed here. These were people who I immediately identified as people I wanted to emulate.
“I finish here in June, and then head out to Contra Costa Medical Center near San Francisco, for a fellowship in global health and ultrasound. I really believe ultrasound is the new stethoscope. With a stethoscope, you can hear the heart sounds and infer what its function is like. With an ultrasound probe, you can see, in real time, how the heart is functioning, make clinical assessments more accurately, and, if applied correctly, improve patient care.
“I see myself working in a rural community, working internationally, teaching and collaborating with others working with in low resources settings.  Day, night, clinic, inpatient, emergency room – it’ll be a busy life, but I don’t mind that because I like what I do. Sometimes, while on our hospital service, I play quirky guitar songs for patients on my service. It shows them a different face of medicine. I like that.”

Grace Price, MD, Medical School: Brown University, Rhode Island

“I grew up in Boston, but I’ve always been a ‘rural person.’ So as I was  finishing medical school, I thought of family medicine in a rural community. That’s what brought me to Tucson. This is the only residency program I found where you are connected to a major academic medical center where you get all that great teaching, but here you also get the experience of dealing with an underserved urban population, and you get six full months of residency in rural sites, getting that hands-on training. I love Maine and I’m thrilled that I’m going to be working in rural Maine, with an organization that includes a small hospital and a clinic. So I’ll be doing outpatient and inpatient care, and obstetrics care. It’s exactly what I wanted, being able to do full-spectrum family medicine and live in the community where I work."

Release Date: 
06/05/2017 - 4:15pm