Tucson Family Advocacy Program

How to Help

Tucson Family Advocacy Program

A Medical-Legal Partnership for Health 

Please join us in our mission to improve the health of low income individuals. TFAP is a multidisciplinary partnership of health care providers and lawyers in the University of Arizona Department of Family & Community Medicine working together to improve patient health. TFAP provides free legal services and education to low income patients in areas affecting patient health including disability benefits, domestic violence, and access to health care. TFAP also educates health care providers about legal issues that impact health, including how they can better help their patients obtain necessary medical services and benefits. 

There are several ways you can help:

Give Now:
Donate securely online using a credit card by visiting the University of Arizona Foundation website here:

Tucson Family Advocacy Program

NOTE: Use the pull down menu:  I would like to support: FCM: AZ Health Policy and Law: TFAP

Give By Mail:

Your tax deductible donations ensure ongoing collaborations between health care providers and lawyers to improve patient health. Please make your check payable to the University of Arizona Foundation and specify "FCM: Tucson Family Advocacy Program" on the check's memo line. Checks should be mailed to:

Tucson Family Advocacy Program
UA Family Medicine

707 N. Alvernon Way, # 101
Tucson, AZ 85711

Internship Opportunities

The Tucson Family Advocacy Program (TFAP) accepts applications from law students for internships during the fall, spring and summer semesters. Under the supervision of a TFAP attorney, interns work closely with client patients at the Banner University Family Medicine Clinic. Legal interns have a wide variety of opportunities including conducting client intakes, legal research and writing, development of legal advocacy and education materials for health care providers, and case management in areas of poverty law including public benefits, Medicare, Medicaid, housing and Social Security disability law.

Prior experience with issues impacting low income clients or the health care system is strongly recommended. All internship positions are unpaid, but may qualify for independent study credit.

To apply, please email resume, cover letter and references to TFAP, Attn: Susan Teeple at teeple@email.arizona.edu