Family Medicine Clinic at Alvernon
Location: 707 North Alvernon, Tucson, AZ 85711, approximately 2 miles from UMC.
Size: Consists of approximately 11,500 square feet with 25 exam rooms.
Annual Patient Volume: Approximately 18,000 visits per year
BUMC-SC is the home of our Family Medicine adult inpatient service. At BUMC-SC we care for a large underserved population, including our own clinic patients, under- or uninsured individuals, undocumented immigrants, prisoners from the county jail, and homeless individuals. Residents are exposed to critical care from their very first family medicine in-patient month as an intern. Attendings include faculty from the Alvernon clinic as well as family medicine hospitalists. Interns rotate through the Emergency Medicine service, while second and third year residents rotate through the surgery service and outpatient pediatric clinic.
Banner University Medical Center - Tucson Campus
BUMC-TC is the primary teaching hospital for the University of Arizona College of Medicine. At BUMC-TC our second and third year residents care for their hospitalized pediatric and obstetric clinic patients through our Maternal-Child Health Program. Interns rotate through the Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, and OB services and act in the same capacity as EM, peds and OB residents, respectively, during those off-service months.
Other Hospitals
- Residents also rotate through Tucson's Southern Arizona VA Hospital, and Tucson Medical Center.