I am currently working as an emergency physician in an urban community hospital. I have actually left the clinic practice of family medicine and am now a board certified emergency medicine physician.
Raising two children who are doing very well in school, and being a "supermom" career/home life juggler. I cook excellent meals and am very involved in my children's lives in spite of irregular work hours.
Created a critical care curriculum and rotation and algorithms/order sets for resident teaching and improvement of patient care at a Level-I trauma center in El Paso. I also oversaw a Women's Health Committee, created a Women's Health Center, and lectured to the public on Women's Health topics at a community hospital in Lake City, Iowa.
Don't have time for much now, mostly involved with managing a household and educating kids when I am not working. I miss the mountains in Tucson and the ability to go on a hike.
Frequent get-togethers with classmates, very family oriented and relaxed , hiking with classmates
Married with two wonderful children