Since residency, I have worked at a variety of jobs which have included: a community health center doctor, a private practice doc, an attending in urgent care in academia, and finally as a happy part-time hospitalist for over four yearsI am also in my seventh year as a homeschooling mother for my five kiddos
Finding a balance between family life and my profession.
Being able to learn the ropes in a variety of practice formats.
I am a serious road cyclist. On a team even.
My first call night alone as a second year resident with a code involving possible foul play. Or my senior resident falling asleep on the phone while I presented the latest admission to her in the call room from the ER as an intern (you know who you are!) Residency overall was a fun and exciting time, and I enjoyed knowing and working with all of the attendings and residents
Married to Tito, five wonderful kids, enjoying part-time doctoring for now