After completing a National Health Service Corps scholarship program obligation in Hatch, NM and a brief stint in Eugene, OR (hello Pam Wible!) my wife (former U of A family medicine intern Sandi Smith) and I relocated tour favorite place in Arizona"_. Flagstaff.I continue to work in a community health center (, a career choice I had always envisioned for myself, serve on the Coconino County Health Department advisory board, and precept 3rd year U of A medical students year-round during their Family and Community Medicine clerkship.My "career" also includes concert/event promotion and restaurant management as co-owner and operator of downtown Flagstaff's historic Orpheum Theater ("Northern Arizona's Premier Live Entertainment Venue") and Stage Left Sub Shop at the Oprheum Theater (, I have served as board chairman for the award-winning Arizona Public Radio for the past three years (, I work with Literacy Volunteers of Coconino County as a tutor primarily working with Spanish-speaking individuals.
Finally organized a private Colorado River trip - April 2010.I build high-end computers "on spec".
Daily exercise, hiking, mountain biking, travel.
Great period of personal and intellectual growth
Married, 2 (wonderful, bright) children