Immediately after residency, I worked in a refugee camp in Pakistan for six months in a teaching program. Over time, I've done volunteer work in 15 countries for shorter periods of time.From 1989-1999 I worked for Group Health Cooperative, a capitated HMO in Olympia, Washington for a large, multispecialty clinic. I wrote my first book, 28-Day Antioxidant Program while living in Olympia.From 1999-2001 I worked for a family medicine residency program in Clearwater, FL, and was involved in research sponsored by the AHA. I also wrote my second book, Vegetarian Holiday Feasts during this time.From 2001-2003 I was the medical director for the Pritikin Longevity Center in Miami, Florida.In 2003, I took a six-month sabbatical to write my third book, published by Random House, Ten Years Younger, which was featured on the Discovery Channel and the Today Show, plus 200 media interviews.Since 2004, I have set up my own medical clinic, The Masley Optimal Health Center, and I do optimal health assessments in a cash-only practice. 65% of my clinical work relates to performing all day executive physicals, and I see these 250 patients for follow up over the year. I continue to do research on data collected and submit for various publications, work with the local family medicine residency program, and speak at ~20 physician CME meetings and 20-30 public health related presentations yearly.
Proud parent of two nearly grown boys/ Happily married/ Author of three books/ Have traveled to >75 countries and worked in >15.
Involved in research, scientific publications, and a presenter for physician CME meetings
Skiing, sailing, cycling, scuba diving, cooking
Our retreat to the marine lab in Puerto Penasco.
I remain married to Nicole, whom I met while in residency, and we have two near adult boys, Lucas and Marcos.