Success Stories

Each week at Camp Wellness, students are invited to share their successes and/or thoughts about our program. We'd like to share a few with you!


"A fantastic experience."

"You start feeling better when you hang 'round good friends and people."

"I did Zumba, I didn't know I could."

"I was able to effectively relieve my stress!"

"Camp Wellness meets people where they are at."

"I know that no matter what I'm going thru I'm not going to give up on myself."

"You can have faith in people, this place is shining proof of that."

"I woke up on time everyday."

"I am free to be me!"

"I started school."

"At Camp I learned to control my anger."

"I learned through SPA (Supported Physical Activity) that I am physically stronger than I knew."

"I got a job!"

"Being here and being active makes me feel happier and I made friends."

"I owe a lot of gratitude to Camp Wellness. It saved me from being a shut-in, afraid to leave the house. My marriage began its journey at Camp. My life has changed for the better. I am able to work and socialize."

"I overcame a big obstacle of noticing my behavior."


"Everybody here is wonderful. Camp Wellness got me up moving, exercising, moving uphill instead of sliding downhill. Encouraging, acknowledging even small accomplishments."

"I've lost weight, reduced my stress and my depression is almost gone. I've gained so many things!"

"Camp Wellness taught me to be more positive and assertive. I can tell I'm happier, healthier."

"Camp Wellness is like coming home."