Rural Site: Banner Casa Grande Medical Center
Location: Casa Grande, Arizona near the Domes or Casa Grande, Casa Grande Mountains and an excellent outlet mall.
Type of Site: Rural railroad town
Distance from Tucson: 71 miles (1 hour) between Phoenix and Tucson
Housing: Provided at an extended stay hotel next door to the hospital.
Special Features:
- High volume deliveries (700 deliveries per year)
- Includes Surgical OB
- Includes high risk OB
- Many GYN procedures
- Large native, refugee and Hispanic populations
Rural Site: Banner Payson Medical Center
Location: Payson, Arizona surrounded by Tonto National Forest with many opportunities for hiking, fishing and exploring
Type of Site: Rural Mountain Town
Distance from Tucson: 188 miles (3 hours) an hour north of Phoenix in the middle of the state.
Special Features:
- Low - Medium volume deliveries
- Includes Surgical OB
- Strong prenatal care experience
- High volumes of GYN procedures and care
Rural Site: Safford-Gila Valley Clinic and Mount Graham Community Hospital
Location: Safford, Arizona close to Mount Graham, natural hot springs and a lot of hiking and fishing
Type of Site: Rural Mining Town
Distance from Tucson: 127 miles (2 hours) in southwest AZ
Housing: Provided in a one-bedroom private apartment
Special Features:
- Moderate volume deliveries
- Work with FM, OB and midwife
- Includes surgical OB
- Includes clinic experience
- Can get experience with tubal ligations